Wednesday 12 May 2010


"Raise A Toast To The British Coast"

Many have trodden this path before; but not necessarily via a Bus Pass. Yes, we don`t mind how, why, or with whom you do it. All we`re hoping is that as many of you as possible, together with family and friends, take on at least part of the challenge to circumnavigate the British coastline.


The pupose is quite simple; have a great time and whilst so doing raise some money for charity. This is the basis behind most of the `George Tortoise`events to date, and you know, we think it`s a winner.

But just before we get to that....this is `George Tortoise `organiser Dave on a previous adventure `Three Men And A Goat`, a walk along Hadrians wall (for charity) dressed as a centurion. You get the drift....

Oh, and here`s Dave`s `George Tortoise` pal, Ash, posing during a training exercise in a Roman garden prior to the walk. These are men you can trust.

This event will be ongoing over a series of years.Parts of the coastal adventure will be covered by planned `George Tortoise` activities such as `The Norfolk Tramp Weekend`, September 24th-26th,2010, and parts will be covered by individuals and groups `volunteering` their services.
Join in with any organised activity such as `The Norfolk Tramp`. This is a 10 mile walk along The North Norfolk Coastal Path terminating in Wells-Next-The-Sea, our base for the weekend.
Volunteer a section of the coastline that you are either already going to be visiting, perhaps for a holiday or days walk, or to which you would be happy to arrange a visit for a group of friends.

A copy of the original `back of a fag packet` planning


Absolutely not. Choose any way of covering the coastal miles you like. We don`t mind. Whatever suits you. The more bizzare the better. Covering the whole coastline whilst having a great time and raising funds is what matters to us.


If you choose to organise your own events, then that is very much your own choice. You will all have favourite Charities that you support. If you sign up for any `George Tortoise` event, then we would hope you may agree to split any monies raised with our designated charity*. But we`re not going to fall out about any of this. The key is to help raise money for a worthy cause. You may either wish to organise sponsorship, or if that`s not your scene just make a donation.
*our `Norfolk Tramp`event is in aid of Cancer Research UK.


Well we obviously trust you if you say you have, and if you send your donations off to charity. We`d like to keep a record of the recipient charity and the amount.What would also be great would be a photographic or video record of your trip that was uploaded to the web. If you`re confident of doing this yourself, we`d just like a link to your site. If you`re not, send us some photos and we`ll do the rest. Oh, and we`ll send you your own `George Tortoise` to photograph at convenient points along the route.

An example has already been done. This link below takes you to the first walk that was undertaken on `The Big Island Expedition`. This followed the coastal path between Faversham and Whitstable in North Kent.


Simply contact Ash or Dave at `George Tortoise` via the information shown in the `About Me` section on this page. Discuss with them any interest you may have. They will help you make all the necessary arrangements.

AND encourage you even more take a look at the `Cross Scotland By Boat` adventure below. You don`t have to do anything as outlandish as this; a drive or gentle stumble along a section of coastline will do, perhaps whilst you are on holiday. Of course, if you want to get a group together, well that`s wonderful as well. But remember, the main thing is to have a great time with friends and family, whilst raising money for a good cause.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Dave, Ash at George Tortoise
